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封面来源:温泉みゆ | 雁 #pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/84249761

That day I was riding a bicycle.

The sun was rising and I felt thirsty.

Then l found a shop to buy some water to drink.

Near the shop there was a butcher shop.

A man in the shop was walking out.

He looked tall and burly with a knife in his hand,

His eyes were like a torch, unafraid of all dangers.


A snake came out from the grass beside the road,

But the man didn’t notice it at all.


The man stepped on the snake.

And the snake was very angry.

It jumped up and wanted to bite that man.

The man was very brave.

He took a knife and quickly killed the snake.

What a wonderful killer, I think.


这篇文字是在下于初中时所写,当时创作契机为某英语试卷中的作文题目,名为记一件有趣的事,在下突发奇想,想起曾经目睹肉店老板杀蛇真事,遂出此文。其格调与韵律均别具一格,其中自「The man stepped on the snake.」到「What a wonderful killer, I think.」 均为初稿原话,由于句子对仗工整而一直为在下所记诵。本文作为英语作文形式在初中时为在下套用四次,有幸批到第四遍本文的在下的英语老师曾做出了如下批阅:「Snake again?」。令在下印象深刻,故今特为记述。
